Bicycle Touring With Dogs

Join us and share in our bike touring adventure as we document our trip around the world from start to eventual finish in the stories posted below.

These display from newest to oldest, so click here to start from the beginning.

The Little Things
Sean Sean

The Little Things

“My tire had split apart and the tube was dangerously protruding and could fail at any moment…”

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Winds of Change
Sean Sean

Winds of Change

The combination of being tired, back on the beat-up trail, and going directly into a headwind while the temperatures started to drop wasn’t exactly a recipe for a wonderful end to the day.

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Crossing Over
Sean Sean

Crossing Over

I started to wonder if maybe Captain was there in spirit, acting as my guardian angel.

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The Four Amigos
Sean Sean

The Four Amigos

“This was their territory and they weren’t about to let anybody travel through…”

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Off Trail Updates
Sean Sean

Off Trail Updates

I took the dogs out for a couple of test rides to show off their new trailer and the second ride took a dark turn….

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Trail Monsters
Sean Sean

Trail Monsters

We managed to go out on a high note for the year as the dogs had been dressed to impress.

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The Gap
Sean Sean

The Gap

These weren’t just any kind of thorns though, they were the dreaded “goatheads”.

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Sean Sean


As I pressed down to push the first pump of air into the tire, my tire pump exploded…

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Sean Sean


The tunnel was so dangerous that anyone who wanted to go through it had to stop and sign a waiver….

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