Bicycle Touring With Dogs

Join us and share in our bike touring adventure as we document our trip around the world from start to eventual finish in the stories posted below.

These display from newest to oldest, so click here to start from the beginning.

To the Other
Sean Sean

To the Other

“…and some even going so far as to set down their beers and wave at us as they drove by”

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From One Extreme
Sean Sean

From One Extreme

….to which she responded by bending over and picking up a rock and getting ready to throw it at me.

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Sean Sean


“The boot had finally catastrophically failed and was no longer repairable…”

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Sean Sean


“Zilla and I had now officially ridden all the way across two states and were about to start into our third!”

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End of the Trail
Sean Sean

End of the Trail

“It had been a beautiful experience all around and I would gladly do it over again!”

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The Little Things
Sean Sean

The Little Things

“My tire had split apart and the tube was dangerously protruding and could fail at any moment…”

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Sean Sean


I slowly started to back away as this seemed like a potential recipe for disaster and got back on the bike in case Zilla and I needed to make a run for it.

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Sean Sean


I saw a dark object in the distance an it was about to have a major impact on our journey…

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Sean Sean


Zilla and I then set off on what would become my favorite trail we’d ridden together.

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Sean Sean


There was lots of coasting and cool breezes for Zilla to sniff and learn about his surroundings.

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Sean Sean


“It was not a very good introduction to Idaho or should I say, I-dump-ho.”

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A Promise Kept
Sean Sean

A Promise Kept

“…but our adventure didn’t end here, it was just getting started….”

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The Storm Before the Calm
Sean Sean

The Storm Before the Calm

“…but the trail still some had a few tricks up its sleeve as we were about to be in for one of the hardest sections yet!”

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Sean Sean


…it felt like the hardest part of grieving was behind me….

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Winds of Change
Sean Sean

Winds of Change

The combination of being tired, back on the beat-up trail, and going directly into a headwind while the temperatures started to drop wasn’t exactly a recipe for a wonderful end to the day.

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